Saturday, October 1, 2011

My First 5K.

   Ok, I guess I can check one of my goals off my list. I participated in my first 5K today.  I was part of a team for my daughter's school and it was the Komen Breast cancer 5K. I finished in 47 minutes. I understand that is not exactly lightning speed, but it is faster than I thought I would be, and it landed me in the middle of the pack.  It is also better than I would have done if I had stayed in bed, considering it was Saturday and I did not want to get up at 6:15!  I was not dead last and am very thankful for that, and I am also glad that I finished. I thought that for my first time in a race since junior high, that was pretty good. I might point out that in jr. high I was carrying a lot less when I ran, but that is kind of the point of me running now, or at least one of them.
   The 5k was a good experience and I am so glad I did it. The people helping along the way on the sidelines were so encouraging, and helpful in putting a water station just when you needed it most. The people in the race, total strangers, were so encouraging to each other. Just when you felt like you could not keep going or keep pushing yourself someone would say something nice or encouraging, which I thought was so wonderful.  There were also people lined up for a pretty long stretch at the finish line to cheer you on which was nice and gave you the extra jolt that you needed.
    I am so glad that I did this and I will do another one sometime soon. I have learned several things that will come in handy for the next race. First off, 3.2 miles seems a lot longer when you are running it on a street as opposed to a track. Second, old fashioned brick streets will kill your ankles, run on the sidewalk, especially with an old ankle injury (me).  Wear a hat, visor, or sunglasses because when that sun is rising it is fiercely bright! Thankfully I wore a visor.  It might also be useful to you to wear some sort of under armor type shorts or pants depending on the weather to prevent chafing, (especially the girls). I was on the fence about this but I think I will do it next time, plus it helps if your shorts ride up or like to slip down a little. It is also nice to have a way to track how far you have gone and have music, like an iPhone with an armband.  I didn't have this, and some others did but some didn't. A positive attitude is key, cute clothes help too.  Running before hand is a must to not suffer during the race. Train to work up to it. I didn't run the whole thing I would like to but I'm not there yet.  I'm going to keep at it, you have to start somewhere. Next time maybe I will be able to run the whole thing a get a awesome time, but I feel a lot of satisfaction in knowing that today I finished. I have accomplished something I didn't think I could do less than a year ago, and that makes me feel good. It also makes me want to work harder in the mean time so I can keep up the fitness level I have and do even better next time.  Anyone can do this you have just got to start.

Friday, September 9, 2011

This week

Some weeks are more productive than others. I know this, but I feel like I didn't do a lot this week even though I didn't take but two days off, and given that one was a national holiday, I guess that is ok occasionally.  I took today(Friday) off because I was hosting a party tonight and had so much to do before school got out, I'm much more productive then. Boy was I right I had literally no time to spare until guests started showing up! I did however get quite the workout in a different way today and didn't eat too much or too much junk at the party, so I guess it was win/win.  I'm tired and my feet hurt so I'll get to the point. Some days or weeks your schedule will be different and stuff which is important, at least to you or your family, will come up. Don't feel bad about doing it and changing things up.  The key is when it is over, get right back to it, and don't blow all your progress in the mean time. For me next week will be the time that things will have calmed down, at least some what, and I'll be able to get back into the routine. I'm looking forward to it, but I would have probably resenting it if I had put walk/run (ing) 4 miles today over the party that I was throwing considered it was a yearly thing. Now I feel like I have the best of both worlds. I even had a cupcake and enjoyed it without feeling guilty. Goodnight Everyone, I hope that you may also be able to have your cake and eat it too!

Monday, August 29, 2011


I really didn't want to do anything this morning, so much so that I didn't even want to get off the couch and take my daughter to school. I might add that the school is walking distance. (I also want to add that as a former teacher I value education highly, and would never do such a thing.)  Yes, I was feeling, REALLY lazy. You could also say "I had a case of the Mondays".  Phineas and Ferb and Looney Tunes just seemed like so much more fun!  Well I did get my butt off the couch. I did take my daughter to school, even arrived a little early, and I did go and run/walk.  The person I exercise with had already called me before I even left the school. Very thankful for that, I was going to go anyway, but sometimes you just need that extra push. We went and I felt better, we did 3 miles today.  I still just wasn't feeling it though until I came home, and I of course promptly plopped myself on the couch to watch cartoons again with my son. About an hour later I got up to take a shower, but before I did I weighed myself and discovered I had lost 4 lbs.  This since the last time I weighed myself about a week ago.  I checked to make sure the scale was set at zero and I reweighed myself with the same result. I was very pleased! Suddenly I felt like dragging myself out this morning was worth it. This is the first weight loss I've had in about a month and I kept at it.  I have to say it came at the right time. I was in a blah mood and boy did this boost my attitude! It gave me a sense of accomplishment. Now working out should not be solely focused on weight loss but how you are practicing a healthier lifestyle and all the benefits associated with that. Sometimes though losing a couple of pounds and/or encouragement from a friend is just the thing you need to keep going.  So if you want to stay plopped on your couch. literally or figuratively, I encourage you to get up and do something for yourself as well. It does pay off, in more ways than one.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The end of summer

     Hi everybody! I was encouraged to do this by people close to me. I'm hoping that this blog serves as encouragement to me along the way and to anyone else who wants to or is trying to do the same thing in their life.  I'm a stay at home mom (In the future I will refer to this as SAHM.) and for the past 5 years I have been desperately trying to eat healthy and get into some sort of fitness routine.  Of course with two young children it has been a challenge.  I would just get going only to have something "more important"come up. I was more than happy to spend my time doing and helping others in my family, but about a year and half ago I decided that something needed to change.
     It actually took me about a year to find something that worked for me all around, but I have finally found it (or at least I hope so).  I started Running/Walking about mid-June this year at the indoor, and most importantly air-conditioned, track around the top of the basketball arena down the street from me.  I enlisted a friend of mine to join me and in many ways that has made all the difference. I was originally going to join a gym but due to circumstances out of my control that wasn't able to happen.  So this was plan B, and for right now I think I like it better than the gym, and it's free!
     Having someone to hold you accountable and to call you and see if you are coming helps motivate you, or at the very least guilts you into getting your butt of the couch and going.  It was tough in the beginning, I'm not going to lie, but I stuck with it and changed my diet as well.  It has definitely paid off! I lost 10lbs. in the first 2 weeks! I found this out after my friend convinced me to weigh myself, and I am so glad she did.  I continued to walk/run every weekday this summer, we do a distance of 4 miles every morning, and gradually up the amount I run within the 4 miles.  I to date have lost 22lbs. and I even slacked off a little on the diet, having birthday cake or the occasional Chick-fil-A, in August.  I still did the walking/running and haven't gained any weight back from that. I'm back on the wagon now. :)
     I also am once again increasing my intensity and the distance I run. This week I added a second workout in the afternoon/evening. It is much shorter than the one in the morning. I mainly just warm up and see how long I can continuously run, so far I made it a half a mile. This from someone who a year ago thought she would die trying to run half a lap, which is 1/16 of a mile. I used to loathe running but it has been the workout that is easy to do on a budget, and gets good results. Most days I have grown to enjoy it.  For instance today I was in an awful mood and after I ran that first lap felt much better.
     I neglected to mentioned that 15 years ago I tore ligaments in my ankle, running has not aggravated them. I tried another type of exercise this summer at an aerobics type dance class and it just about killed my ankle to where I could barely walk on it! So it is important to find out what works best for you.
     That about covers my summer and my start into the running and fitness world. School has already started here and boy am I busy, but so far I've been able to keep it up. I want to encourage anyone who has been thinking about doing something like this to go ahead and start because if I can do it so can you. It is also helps a lot if those around you support your effort and encourage you, whether it is time spent exercising or healthy eating. You can do it on your own, but it is much harder without the understanding of those closest to you. From one Mom to another (or Dad) it is so important to take care of and nurture your children but you also need to take care of yourself!